Upcoming Retreats

Elements Retreat
El Salvador
February 15-21,2025
This deeply healing retreat will give you the space to relax your mind remember your power, and the opportunity to transform. Our Seven day, Six night retreat includes daily sunrise and sunset yoga, meditation and two cultural excursions and time to relax and enjoy the art of rest.
Enjoy the sounds of nature in your lush surroundings, indulge in healthy (vegetarian) local foods, and dedicate yourself to a daily practice of yoga and mindfulness.
I feel blessed to have Dora as my yoga teacher. Her class feeds your spirit and nourishes your soul. There is a different feel than the traditional vinyasa class in the way she incorporates new movements, essential oils and pranayama. You leave class feeling calm, enlivened, refreshed and transformed.
- Kristen S.
Mi primera clase de Yoga tuve la suerte de tomarla cuándo Doralicia la dió en mi gym. No sabía que esperar de la clase, y mucho menos de la instructora. Puedo decir que al terminar la clase me quedé sorprendida de lo bien que me sentí. No sólo físicamente sino emocionalmente. La clase fue una experiencia divina. Una paz total! Desde ese momento me inscribí a todas las clases con Doralicia. Gracias a ella soy fan de Yoga! Súper recomendable! Excelente ser humano! Gracias por existir!
-Marcela F.
I have taken several yoga classes led by Doralicia and my experience has always been truly rejuvenating, enoyable, and deeply comforting. She exudes love and compassion with the most gentle approach to her craft. She loves teaching and always expresses her passion at the moment. Her authentic and non-judgemental guidance is a true healing experience. The sounds, aromas, and gentle touch that Dora incorporates into her classesall create an atmosphere of pure relaxation. Her talent is undeniable and gratifying for both restorative and advances yoga.
- Katherine O.

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